Live-in-relationship is morally and socially unacceptable: HC

The Punjab and Haryana High Court has said a live-in-relationship is morally and socially unacceptable while discharging an appeal filed by a runaway couple seeking safety.
Petitioners Gulza Kumari (19) and Gurwinder Singh (22) in the request had specified that they were residing together and proposed to get married shortly. They had caught threat to their survives from Kumari's parents.
"As a matter of circumstance, the petitioners in the attire of filing the existing petition are looking for a seal of sanction on their live-in-relationship, which is ethically and on a social basis not tolerable and no defense order in the petition can be approved. The petition stances discharged accordingly," Justice H S Madaan said in his order.
The couple cannot become married as Kumari's documents, which have facts of her age, were in control of her family, Thakur added.

Source: ptinews


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