HCL Tech to Develop Business in UK, expanding with technology professionals hiring

IT services giant HCL Technologies is hiring 1,000 technology specialists from the grounds of digital transformation, cloud, artificial intelligence, and cybersecurity in the United Kingdom (UK). The company strategies to hire these experts for its London, Greater London, and Manchester bureaus.

Few IT companies like Infosys and Mphasis have also made alike statements ahead of the virtual summit between UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson and his Indian counterpart Narendra Modi already this month.

Infosys tactics to hire 1,000 workforces in the UK over the following three years, and these fresh hires will work in the digital space, including cloud computing, data, and analytics, artificial intelligence, open-source technologies, and enterprise services. Mphasis is expanding its footmark in the UK with superior attention on customer-led digital alteration initiatives in banking and insurance by establishing a nearshore center outside of London.

Source: : cnbctv18


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Test name February 19, 2016Reply

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