In 2018-19 Khadi sales expected to touch ₹3200 crore

From ₹1,081 crore in 2013-14, the sale of khadi is anticipated to hit ₹3,200 crore this monetary, as according to Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) chairman Vinai K Saxena. The figure was ₹2,510 crore in 2017-18. New Delhi's Khadi Gram Udyog Bhawan outlet recorded sales of ₹1 crore or more daily a day at least thrice last October-November when it offered discounts.

In monetary 2017-18, the New Delhi outlet sold items worth ₹103 crore. Just a not many, who were witness to the dilapidated conditions of the store six-seven years back, would have thought the transformation was ever possible. The outlet’s success mirrors the growing craze for khadi in recent years.

In the first four years of the present government, khadi sales grew at an annual average of over 30 per cent, against 6.7 per cent in the past 10 years, Saxena told a main monetary every day.

Government push, aggressive marketing, supply tie-ups with organizations like Raymond, Arvind Mills and Aditya Birla Fashion in 2017-18, and growing enthusiasm of open area undertakings for khadi products for their employees are the biggest sales drivers, he said.

Many state-run organizations place request for gift coupons by KVIC to be appropriated among their representatives, who can shop at any Khadi store inside a stipulated period.

Very soon, around 83,000 postmen will be clothed in khadi uniform, as a MoU with the branch of post is being finalised, said Saxena.

KVIC has 18 deals outlets, including seven main stores, while different Khadi foundations across states own 8,062 outlets. Of the 1,942 khadi organizations in the nation, 1,585 produce khadi fabric and readymade items.


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Test name February 19, 2016

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Test name February 19, 2016Reply

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